The list of cultivars for vg0120188568 with genotype G in the Indica II population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
LX2007 CX303 Indica II China ERS470605
Zhonghua_1__ CX348 Indica II China ERS470632
YZX2 CX363 Indica II None ERS470648
42686 CX364 Indica II None ERS470649
None CX505 Indica II None
None CX511 Indica II None
IR_4683-54-2 IRIS_313-11886 Indica II Philippines ERS469046
ANLINGWUBAILI IRIS_313-12234 Indica II China ERS469271
WAS_21-B-B-20-4-3-3 IRIS_313-7824 Indica II Senegal ERS468583
WP65 IRIS_313-9227 Indica II Thailand ERS468042